Therapy Brooklyn Blog

Therapy, S1E05, Insecure: The Turning Point
What are the elements of a turning point? Some might experience feeling fed up, alone, disconnected, misunderstood, lost, and a deep desire for change.

The Struggles of Finding a Work-life Balance
Work life balance is a term that we see thrown around quite a lot, yet so many of us struggle to maintain this balance. This is a common issue that comes up in my work with clients. This is because we live in a society that values and rewards productivity, and glamorizes ‘hustle-culture.’ We’re taught that if we don’t struggle, we are not working hard enough; we need to struggle to prove our worth.

Decolonizing Gender Language
The process of exploring one’s own gender identity involves recognizing social, political, cultural, and personal ideologies and constructs.

Common Mental Health Struggles of First and Second Generation Immigrants
Immigrants and children of immigrants often grow up wanting to assimilate and to belong to the dominant culture. At the same time, there may be pressure to also uphold certain cultural values and traditions at home. It becomes difficult to equally honor both parts of our identity, especially if you come from a cultural and ethnic background that values different things than the American society

the kickback nyc
Being in a new place can be jarring and make you question parts of your identity, no matter how firmly rooted you thought you were. Talking to people who really understood my experiences helped rebuild my self-confidence in making long-term connections while understanding the significance of short-term ones.

Therapy S2E01: One More Chance
Clinically speaking, false beliefs are subconscious self-limiting thoughts that we come to believe are true. Issa has labeled herself a cheater ...[i]s that a false belief? Therapy is a great space to explore false beliefs, which are often generalized as someone being a "bad" person versus someone making "bad" decisions.

Finding spaces of belonging as adult Third Culture Kids (TCKs)
A common experience among many third-culture people is trying to determine what it means to belong. This can show up in how TCAs approach relationships. Many TCKs grow up in transient spaces; if they are not moving then most of their friends or community likely will.

Navigating Identity as Adult Third Culture Kids (TCKs)
It’s been said that when third-culture adults (TCAs, the aged rendition of the third-culture kid, or TCK) gather, someone inevitably brings up the last time someone asked where they were from. For us, being asked where you’re from comes with complicated emotions.

Historically Excluded and Looking for Therapy
Finding the right therapist can be challenging depending on what you are looking for. You can search based on modality, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR).

Therapy, S1E01: The Crossroads
It has been almost a year since we tuned in to the last episode of Insecure. Over the span of five seasons Issa Rae took us on a journey of self-discovery that involved leaning into what felt good while also making hard decisions.

The Mind Body Connection: An Exploration of Stress and The HPA Axis in People of Color
Studies show that people of color in America face significantly disproportionate levels of stress compared to their white counterparts and that women of Hispanic, Native American and African descent face a higher probability of being exposed to stress related illnesses than white women. This is where the HPA Axis comes in.

Demystifying the Couples Therapy Process
The most common questions I get when first meeting with couples are, “What will couples therapy be like?” and “Can you help us communicate better?” Underneath these questions are often concerns that a therapist will take sides and leave one member unheard, that therapy will exacerbate the problem or lead to a break up. Worries when starting something new are natural. I find the best way to ease concern is to demystify the process.

How to Choose the Right Therapist
There’s been a strong transition over the past decade - particularly thanks to social media - towards open discourse on mental health. Thankfully, the stigma associated with therapy is finally starting to erode.

Mindfulness Practices for Beginners
The best way to know if mindfulness is right for you is to practice. In the article below there are several guided mindfulness meditation techniques that serve as a great introduction.

Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change
A dear friend gifted me Pema Chodron’s book Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change. I recently found myself gravitating towards this book during a period of difficult emotions. I landed on the quote below: